Flipgrid as Music Studio

So many ways to use @Flipgrid as a #HiddenGem 💎 for 🎵 Music Class

🎵 Post accompaniment tracks for easy access – students can play along, or sing along repeatedly

🎵 Practice Studio – perhaps start by posting a model recording; students can play along with the model “track” as often as needed, eventually gaining confidence to record their own track as practice evidence or for evaluation

🎵 Feedback Studio – Student plays/sings a section in an individual grid; Teacher offers individualized feedback; both student and teacher can go back and review the performance or comments as many times as needed

🎵 Auditions (use a Moderated Grid) – especially useful for an initial screening of large numbers of hopefuls

🎵Show Progression and Improvement – This is a powerful way to encourage your students as you practice for a concert or musical; record the same section of a piece at the beginning, middle, middle, middle, toward the end, and at the end.

  • This can be used as an out-take reel, or simply to help students get through the rough patches when progress seems slow – show them how far they have already come.
  • Use the “Leave a Vibe” feature in the Editor’s Dashboard to record the date on each video.
  • For a good laugh, (or cry?), scroll through with the “next” arrow at your post-event celebration party
  • individuals can also do this as they prepare for a national music exam, audition, or performance

🎵 Music Appreciation -Students react to a ‘music style of the week’ – this could be posted as a Youtube or video link within the “question” or as a sample that lives in the grid. Perhaps students simply record a spoken reaction, or perhaps you ask them to try and mimic the playing style (eg. play a G+ scale in ***** style”

I’d love to add your ideas to the list. Add your tips in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Flipgrid as Music Studio

  1. Pingback: Cammie’s Flipgrid Roundup Blog | What I learned today...

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