About AI mini-series: Bias

As the world of generative AI in education continues to rapidly unfold, it is becoming increasingly clear that we must teach our students about AI, before we encourage them to use it in our classes.

To make that easier for teachers, we are creating a series of “About AI” mini-lessons. These mini-lessons can be used in your classroom as a Play & Pause format… you press the play button, we teach, and you and your class pause and/or rewind as you follow along.

Alternatively, you might find it useful to watch the video for the mini-lesson idea and then replicate it in your own class, perhaps during that perfect teachable moment. Either way, we hope that you will take the time to teach your students (and yourself!) about AI.

The first topic is to teach students about the bias that is generated based on how AI is trained. This mini-lesson:

  • introduces a brief history of AI and gives you some brief talking points for how AI has changed over the decades
  • introduces the vocabulary input and output
  • offers a “Google image search” activity that helps students to visualize bias in AI training data

Check out the rest of the series from this launch page.

One thought on “About AI mini-series: Bias

  1. Pingback: About AI: a mini-series | What I learned today...

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