What is a Twitter Profile?

This post will be helpful for steering educators and pre-service teachers into creating Twitter accounts that become a valuable part of their PLN. So often teachers new to Twitter follow a few schools or teachers they recognize, but if those teachers/ schools rarely tweet, Twitter won’t be a very valuable place for their new followers.

My Island View

The basic principle of Twitter is that if you follow ten people on Twitter, you will only see the tweets of those ten people. Additionally, the only people who will see your tweets will be those ten people. Of course with the advent of the hashtag that has changed. If you add a Hashtag, #Edchat for example, the range of your tweet is extended beyond your ten followers to thousands of educators who follow that specific #Edchat hashtag on a search column. People can now follow specific hashtags that are filtered from the stream.

After all is said and done, in regard to building a Personal Learning Network, who one follows is much more important than who follows back. Most tweeters have their own criteria for following people back. I generally follow people who I engage with in some substantive way. The number of people I follow is almost 3,500…

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